Saturday, 22 January 2011

Present Always!!!!!(Part 2)

Indeed every human at one stage of life gets these doubts, If not he's gotta be some alien. Lifelong we search for answers to these Questions.

* Why is that when we are kids we never get such Stupid doubts?

Because thats the only time we really Trust our ownselves, believe our Parents Implicitly, then as we grow we learn from everything and everybody around us,

  • At a certain point everything goes very serene, calm.

  • Whether we have wealth or not, we have Happiness, Peace- which are indeed the two main Essence of life.

  • But then we grow, When we are Kids we'd always want to grow!! want to be Independent.

  • But only after we grow we Realise the Interdependent Society!!

  • We get attached to everything, Money, Luxury, Messed-up relationships, At a certain point When you don't even Trust anybody Around you!! Y not, Indeed you don't even Trust $Yourself$

  • Where's your Inborn Trust? Did you lose it? Did your society make you lose it? OR is it just Hidden and gone to sleep?

Present Always!!!!!!(Part 1)

A canto which I very much try to abide by....,

Trust No Future However Pleasant

Let the Dead Past bury Its Head

Act, Act in the Living Present

Heart within, & GOD overhead!!!

Indeed these words are very echt, why must we trust some unknown Future which is never gonna belong to us. Can't we just believe our present & move #ON# Especially this Teenage, for everything you get doubts,

  • What's the purpose of my LIFE?

  • What is Life?

  • Am I being Good?

  • Am I being Selfish or is it the people around me????

  • Have I changed or is it the World Around!!!

This is Ofcourse just a sample of Questions that arise, There are Ennumerable Questions yet unanswered!!!!


Hi Bloggers & people who love reading, 
 I am Karthiga and I'm just like you guys , a person who loves reading . I blog about what I feel & Reviews on books & my views on how Chennai Education can be improved. I also write poems sometimes. Overall, this is just a place where I could just come out with my opinions Open-Heartedly . I hope my blog is a good read.